Tributes paid to the victims of the July 7 2005 London bombings

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A permanent memorial for the victims of the July 7, 2005 London bombings has been unveiled in Hyde Park, London, England. Today is the fourth anniversary of the bombings, when 52 people were killed by suicide bombers on board three Underground trains and a bus.

52 stainless steel columns standing 3.5m (11.5ft) tall were inaugurated in the presence of Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla Bowles, Prime Minister Gordon Brown, London Mayor Boris Johnson and Minister for London, Tessa Jowell.

Each column represented “a unique person and a unique grief” according to the Minister for London.

Jowell continued, “Each one casts a shadow just as they do – each one standing tall and proud just as they did, and each one will in an individual way absorb and reflect light just as they did.”

A 1.4 tonne stainless steel plaque with the names of the people killed was also unveiled.

Prince Charles laid a wreath on behalf of the nation. The Duchess of Cornwall left a floral tribute for the families of the victims.

The families themselves laid roses and then met the prince and the duchess.

Car maker DeLorean dies at 80

Monday, March 21, 2005

Automobile industry pioneer, John DeLorean, died Saturday in a New Jersey hospital by complications from a stroke.

DeLorean was born in 1925 in Detroit, Michigan to European immigrant parents. He received an education in automotive engineering and quickly rose through the ranks of Packard and later General Motors (GM). DeLorean was credited with the development of the Pontiac GTO, which helped introduce the era of “muscle cars”. By 1965, DeLorean led the entire Pontiac division, and four years later was promoted to the prestigious position of leading GM’s Chevrolet.

In 1973, DeLorean quit General Motors and started his own company, the De Lorean Motor Company. The company’s product was the DMC-12, an unusual car featuring an unpainted, stainless-steel exterior and gull-wing doors. The company started production in 1981 but failed less than two years later, having produced under 9,000 vehicles. Despite the company’s failure and the car’s dismal sales, the car itself gained a cult following after the release of the 1985 movie Back to the Future which featured the car as a time-travel machine.

DeLorean himself was in nearly as much trouble as his company. In 1982 he was arrested for attempting to sell $24 million worth of cocaine to undercover police, and after his company’s failure, he became involved in a multitude of lawsuits alleging investor fraud. Though DeLorean successfully resolved the cocaine case after claiming entrapment, his other legal cases would drag on until 1999, when he declared bankruptcy.

Kennedy Center names 2007 honors recipients

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Kennedy Center announced that its 30th presentation of the Kennedy Center Honors would go to pianist Leon Fleisher, comedian Steve Martin, singer Diana Ross, director Martin Scorsese and musician Brian Wilson. The Center was opened to the public in 1971 and was envisioned as part of the National Cultural Center Act, which mandated that the independent, privately-funded institution would present a wide variety of both classical and contemporary performances, commission the creation of new artistic works, and undertake a variety of educational missions to increase awareness of the arts.

In a statement, Kennedy Center Chairman Stephen A. Schwarzman said that “with their extraordinary talent, creativity and perseverance, the five 2007 honorees have transformed the way we, as Americans, see, hear and feel the performing arts.”

Fleisher, 79, a member of the Peabody Institute‘s music faculty, is a pianist who lost use of his right hand in 1965 due to a neurological condition. He became an accomplished musician and conductor through the use of his left hand. At 67, he regained the use of his right hand. With the advent of Botox therapy, he was once more able to undertake two-hand performances in 2004, his first in four decades. “I’m very gratified by the fact that it’s an apolitical honor,” Fleisher said. “It is given by colleagues and professional people who are aware of what [an artist] has done, so it really is apolitical — and that much more of an honor.”

Martin, 62, a comedian who has written books and essays in addition to his acting and stand-up comedy career, rose to fame during his work on the American television program Saturday Night Live in the 1970’s. Schwarzman praised his work as that of a “renaissance comic whose talents wipe out the boundaries between artistic disciplines.” Martin responded to the honor saying, “I am grateful to the Kennedy Center for finally alleviating in me years of covetousness and trophy envy.”

Ross, 63, was a product of Detroit‘s Brewster-Douglass Projects when as a teeager she and friends Mary Wilson and Florence Ballardis formed The Supremes, a ground-breaking Motown act. She portrayed singer Billie Holiday in the 1972 film Lady Sings the Blues, which earned her an Oscar nomination and a Golden Globe award. “Diana Ross’ singular, instantly recognizable voice has spread romance and joy throughout the world,” said Schwarzman. Ross said she was “taken aback. It is a huge, huge honor and I am excited to be in this class of people.”

Scorsese, 64, is one of the most accomplished directors the United States ever produced, whose work includes Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, GoodFellas, Cape Fear, The Last Temptation of Christ and The Departed, for which he won a 2006 Academy Award for Best Director after being nominated eight times. Scorsese said, “I’m very honored to be receiving this recognition from the Kennedy Center and proud to be joining the company of the very distinguished individuals who have received this honor in years past.”

Wilson, 65, along with his brothers Dennis and Carl, formed the Beach Boys in 1961. They had a series of hits that included “Surfin’ U.S.A.” and “Wouldn’t It Be Nice.” Their 1966 album Pet Sounds is considered one of the most influential recordings in American music. “This is something so unexpected and I feel extremely fortunate to be in the company of such great artists,” said Wilson, who is currently on tour.

The Kennedy Center’s board of trustees is responsible for selecting honorees for “lifetime contributions to American culture through the performing arts.” Previous honorees, including Elton John and Steven Spielberg, also submitted recommendations. A wide variety of people were under consideration, including Emanuel Ax, Evgeny Kissin, Renee Fleming, Laurence Fishburne, Francis Ford Coppola, Melissa Etheridge and Kenny Chesney.

President Bush and first lady Laura Bush will attend the center’s presentation at its opera house on December 2, 2007, which will broadcast on December 26 on CBS.

Gene therapy trial for skin cancer cures two terminal patients

Friday, September 1, 2006

Results of gene therapy trials at the US National Cancer Institute, Bethesda to fight cancer published online yesterday by the scientific journal Science show some levels of success. However experts have warned that despite the promise more work is needed for this to become a viable cure.

Dr Stephen Rosenberg, who lead the research team, said “It’s important to emphasize this is a highly experimental treatment that’s still in the course of development.”

The team treated 17 terminal skin cancer patients with modified cells from their immune systems. The technique uses genetically modified white blood cells (more specifically T cells) to attack and kill the cancer cells. Of the 17 subjects only 2 were cured of the disease (an aggressive form of skin cancer called a melanoma which is usually fatal in advanced stages). Before the treatment, which lasted 18 months, the patients were only expected to live for up to 6 months. The remaining 15 patients were not affected by the treatment.

One of the successful patients was Mark Origer (53) from Wisconsin. He has been fighting cancer since first being diagnosed in 1999. After finding out about the new trial on the internet he applied and, after interviews, was accepted along with 16 other candidates. The treatment removed Origer’s melanoma and also shrunk another tumor in his liver – to the extent it could be removed surgically. Doctors confirmed he was free of the disease last week, nearly 2 years after treatment began. A second man (39) was cleared of his cancer which had spread to the lungs, liver and lymph nodes. Cancer that progresses to the lymph nodes is usually untreatable and fatal.

T cells can attack and destroy bacteria and other harmful cells like cancer cells. However cancer cells sometimes reduce the signals on their outer surface by which they are recognised, so the immune system cannot affect them. Gene therapy involves modifying some of a patients T cells to contain a new receptor. (Receptors are what enable the immune cell to identify harmful cells, like those corrupted by viruses. The new receptor is inserted with the use of a viral vector, i.e. a virus made safe to insert the receptor in the cell.

In the trial, T Cells were removed from each patient and modified in the laboratory. Patients underwent chemotherapy to kill most of their current immune system, which was replaced by the mutated cells. The modified cells successfully survived after injection into the body – making up 10% of the subject’s T cell count during the first 2 months. The team is now looking for ways to enable the cells to survive longer and in greater numbers.

Experts have called this a significant technical advance but warn that more patients need testing and the technique refining before any conclusive results can be drawn. Dr Edel O’Toole, consultant dermatologist and British Skin Foundation spokesman, said: “I think that the success of this approach in two patients shows promise, however 15 patients did not respond to the treatment suggesting that further work is needed to optimise this approach for all patients, which could take many years.”

Rosenberg now hopes to run a new trial with possibly stronger gene therapy treatments, he is currently awaiting FDA approval.

Gene therapy was much hyped after it’s first successful application in so called “bubble boys” (patients with severe combined immunodeficiency). After follow-up, these trials were stopped when it was discovered that three of eleven patients in one trial had developed leukemia.

Why Experts Have Acne Scar Removal Wrong}

Why Experts Have Acne Scar Removal Wrong


Clarita Milles

If you go and see any doctor, dermatologist, or skin specialist in the hope of removing acne scars you will often be presented with an array of chemical treatments aimed at burning the skin. However, if you speak to someone with a background in natural treatments they will direct you towards a completely contrasting solution. These natural solutions are repeatedly shown to be as effective, if not more so, and carry none of the risks associated with chemical treatments.

For this reason the following seeks to demonstrate and identify the means in which skin specialists achieve the results of removing acne scarring through chemical peels in comparison to natural topical solutions. The best solution is as clear as day.


Chemical peels work as acid is painted onto the skin, which in turn burns the top layer of skin. This burnt layer then eventually peels off the face after a week which allows for the growth of new skin to come to the surface. The theory is that the thickened pigmented epidermis showing cellular disarray (acne scars) is replaced by fresh, orderly, uniform cells. A new band of dermis then forms between the epidermis and the underlying tissue, which enhances the elasticity of the skin.


Natural topical solutions such as natural microdermabrasion creams softly remove the top layer of undesired scar tissue through the use of micro-crystals. This process skims away the top layer of effected skin just like chemical peels, however it is a much more subtle process. The regeneration of new skin cells are then speed-up by natural compounds such as Helix Aspersa Muller GlycoConjugates, which replace scar collagen with a mixture of skin cells and invisible collagen fibers, bringing elasticity and vitality back to the skin.


Chemical Peel treatments are a long and extensive process. Initially the skin must be pre-treated with the application of prescribed creams that both soften and anesthetize the skin. The individual must then undergo a series of acid burning sessions. Finally, the skin must go through a healing process that includes the application of further prescribed creams to provide both recovery and ongoing maintenance to the recently affected area.

The application of natural cream solutions are not as complex. The routine is as simple as applying the creams in the comfort of one’s bathroom after a shower.


All forms of chemical treatment carry a degree of risks, chemical peels are no different. These side effects can vary depending on the patient and generally, the deeper the chemical peel, higher the likelihood of complications arising. These include, but are not limited to:

– The flaring of acne or cold sores – An inflammation of the tissue around the mouth (peri-oral dermatitis) – Peeled skin may also inflame resulting in unsightly scarring – Increased pigmentation such as transient spots of hyper or hypopigmentation – Complete avoidance of direct UV rays – Lengthy recovery and maintenance procedures – All of which may last for months

As one might assume acne treatment cream carries no such danger. As the ingredients comprise of only natural substances they work harmoniously with the body’s skin cells and present no risk of side effects or nasty irritation.


When determining the best

acne scars treatment

available it is easy to see that natural solutions are easier to apply, safer, and yet produce the same results. In light of this one should look towards a topical solution such as Bioskinexfol for their

treatment for scars


Article Source:

Why Experts Have Acne Scar Removal Wrong


How To Prepare For Holidays?}

Submitted by: Ethan Mark Henkel

Before you realize it, the smell of the holiday season is already in every corner. There are about plenty of holiday seasons you need to prepare before the due date comes. It should not be something you hate just because you have little time to get things done. Some opt to enjoy holidays in their own house while others take pleasure in travelling and visiting relatives out of town. There are also some who prefer to spend their time working or hang-out with their friends. Whatever your plans may be, here are few guides you might need to know before the holiday strikes.

Guide # 1. When you already have time-constraints, create a work plan which runs down what you need to do and how much time you left to do it. You can divide those tasks into a to-do-list and errands to accomplish before the day ends. Mark the date you expect the work to return to its normal pace so that you can manage your time wisely. If Christmas is all that concerns you, you may start making your list of gifts for your love ones and even cards for your office mates and friends. You may also want to purchase for a discount bar stools that best fit for every holiday season. Holidays are also time for purchasing contemporary bedroom sets which offers a wide range of support for your relaxation and sleeping activities.


Guide #2. You have numerous options to choose from when it comes to spending your holiday season. You can set your commitments with family and friends for confirmation. However, this also means you have to take into account the span of time given to you. This may depend on your colleagues and customers schedules. If availability is too far to reach and time did not permit you, you can find this opportunity while everyone else is on their vacationa blessing-in-disguise to become productive.

Guide #3. Holiday travelling is also the best time for you to have a time-out from the pressures of work, the stress that is brought about by current events, and other personal problems. It may be a lot better to impede your connection temporarily to these stress-causing events. Holiday is a perfect time for you to unwind and unload the burdens you may be having in your usual days. However, if your work commitments necessitate communication even during holiday breaks, you can build a schedule on when you will be spending time in front of your laptops and time when you can totality enjoy. Your connectivity plan will also entail another preparation for you such as the to-bring list where your gadgets and other means of communication will be enlisted.

Guide #4. It is best to have your goal plan. Depending on your work and the intensity of workload, you may have a rough goal for the next holiday season. In this manner, you will budget your time wisely and accomplish a lot of work just before the next holiday arrives. It can be a great motivation for you too since you are envisioning pleasurable trips and vacation while doing things you need to do. Also, this will facilitate ease of mind and will not make you spend time worrying during holidays for you know there are no things left to do.

About the Author: Ethan Mark Henkel enjoys writing for Home and Bedroom Furniture which sells

Metal Bar Stools


Contemporary Bedroom Sets

as well as a host of additional products.


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Sofa Bed Nowadays Is Extremely Comfortable And Luxurious

Sofa Bed Nowadays Is Extremely Comfortable And Luxurious



Sofa beds have long been used as instruments of torture. They were reserved for guests who you really do not like visiting and for your loved one when he or she made you angry. Okay, enough with the joking. It is true that the sofa bed choices of the past were extremely uncomfortable. The mattresses were thin and the supporting rails beneath the mattress would burrow into your back. Were they comfortable beds? They were absolutely not.

Things have changed with the sofa bed. No longer is it a torture rack. They are better than futons and the new sofa beds come either in a double bed or a twin bed size. The sofa itself is very fashionable and the mattress is thick enough to protect you from the rails beneath. These couches/beds have come a long way from their distant cousins. Plus, now you have the option of choosing an oversized chair or a full sized sofa.


One of the greatest inventions of late is the oversize chair. Many oversized chairs now fold out into twin beds. The outside of the bed is very comfortable and can accommodate up to two people, yet the oversize chair is actually meant to be a single seating situation.

Instead of a full sized sofa, many people are opting to purchase two of these chairs to accommodate their overnight guests. What is unique is that when guests come over they are treated to a great night’s sleep on twin beds that have thick mattresses and are actually very comfortable.

The added bonus of an oversize sleeper chair is that it does not take up as much room as a full sized sleeper sofa. It is also easier to move than the traditional full size sleeper sofa and can stand up to more weight in the center of the mattress. It has much more support and with its beautifully plush exterior it is a bonus to have in any living room, guest room or den.

The sofa bed of the past is ancient history. New sofa beds are extremely comfortable and luxurious. Plus you have the additional knowledge that you can place one anywhere you would normally put a sofa or a chair. You do not have to have an extra room in your house devoted solely to guests.

With today’s downsizing market in housing that is an incredible bonus. People just do not have those extra rooms anymore, yet still need a place to accommodate guests for the night. Go ahead and try one out. You will not be disappointed.

A whole world of information about the

sofa bed

eagerly awaits you from Mike Selvon portal. We appreciate your feedback at our

small double bed


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