House Selling Tips: What A Residential Basement Waterproofing In Washington, Dc Will Accomplish

byAlma Abell

The time is approaching when the homeowner would like to retire and move to a smaller home. That means making sure the present home is ready to go on the market. Between now and retirement, it pays to have a professional check out the basement and see if waterproofing is in order. Here are some of the reasons why investing in a residential basement waterproofing in Washington DC before putting the house up for sale makes sense.

Eliminating Mold

While most buyers will not expect the basement to be the main draw, they will want the space to be in reasonably good condition. Basement walls and floors that show signs of mold growth and, possibly, some mildew on the items stored in the space will not conjure up visions that entice home seekers to put in a bid.

By choosing to have an expert conduct a Residential Basement Waterproofing in Washington DC, the homeowner can rest assured the mold will be removed first. Once the waterproofing is complete and all those damaged items are carted away from the house, it will be easier to arrange what’s left and ensure the space is free from any type of unpleasant scent.

Seeing the Possibilities

When buyers inspect the basement and see that the space is properly sealed and waterproofed, they can begin to imagine all sorts of ways to use that square footage. If the plan is to keep using the space for storage, the buyers will know their treasures will not be damaged by the damp. Those who like the idea of turning the space into a spare bedroom, a game room, or a den will also find it easier to imagine the transformation if they don’t have to think about waterproofing the basement first.

Commanding a Better Price

When there’s more space that can be used for living quarters, it’s easier to ask a higher price for the property and receive bids at least close to that price. A waterproofed basement does quality as potential living space, so expect buyers to take that into consideration as they ponder the idea of submitting a bid.

Contact us today and arrange for a professional to take a look at the basement. It won’t take long to determine what must be done in the way of preparations, provide a quote, and set a date for the waterproofing.